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Obeying God’s word

We value the authentic Christian life.Christians are meant to live like Jesus (1 John 2:6, Romans 12:1-2). This lifestyle will not only benefit the church, but will change communities for the better (Matthew 5:16). We desire to worship, work, and rest in a gospel informed way.


  • Individual: Obey God in every area of life even when it is hard. This includes forgiving others, tithing your money, and dealing with sexual sin (for this we recommend joining a Set Free Group).
  • Community: Make disciples by teaching others to obey all that God has commanded and giving them an example to follow.
  • Family: Ask for forgiveness when you sin against your kids.

Key Terms

  • Tithe: 10% of your income that is given to God out of worship. This is usually given to your local church and other gospel endeavors.
  • Disciples: Followers of Jesus.
  • Set Free Groups: Groups of men and women that are designed to equip and help those who are struggling with maintaining sexual purity.

Book Recommendations

Video & Audio Recommendations