Restore New England

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Restore: New England

Restore New England exists to gather and encourage the Local Church in New England to be hold the glory of God with eyes of faith, repent from sin, and boldly preach the gospel. 


We gather from Gospel-preaching churches around New England to pray for a heart ofrepentance, salvation for the lost, and strength for the local church. The Night of Prayer isgeared toward anyone who believes the Gospel and wants to see the Lord transform NewEngland.


The purpose of our Saturday morning Evangelism Training Seminar is to provide practical toolsfor initiating and engaging in spiritual, gospel-focused conversations with our family, friends,coworkers, and anyone else we meet. The $12 charge covers the cost of materials, speakertravel costs and breakfast. We do not want cost to be a hindrance for anyone, so please reachout to us at ( for a promo code if necessary.

Learn more about who we are and what we believe on our (

Parking available in the lot on the corner between Broad and Fenner, on Broad Street, or onDave Gavitt Way.