Homecoming Conference

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Mount Hope Christian Center, 3 McGinnis Drive, Burlington, MA 01803

We all want to get home.

Homecoming 2024 is a conference to encourage believers to look to Jesus in the pages of Scripture so we can run with endurance the race set before us, looking to Jesus and seeking to imitate faithful ones who have gone behind and before with faith and patience so that we do not grow weary or fainthearted.

We will address topics related to running the race, topics like:

  • How do we prepare for the race?
  • What should we expect on the way?
  • How do we fight the enemies we will encounter on our path?
  • How do we think in a Homecoming-minded way about singleness, marriage,family, and in our New England communities?

To get cheaper tickets the church is buying tickets in bulk. Each person will reimburse by check or on our website before the conference.

If you book your own hotel use this link for discounted rooms: https://ultimategetawaystravel.com/trip/6yw9rqwfy2dwqz2ayjy3df8c7pae3za

If you want to split a hotel room to cut costs, we can help you.